
3. klasside inglise keele õpilasüritus LISTEN UP 2020! EI TOIMU!

Kuupäev: 08.04.2020
Kell: 10:00
Koht: Aruküla Põhikool
Tüüp: opilasyritus
Liik: maakondlik
Omavalitsus: Raasiku vald
Korraldaja: Listen up! is a quiz that gives an opportunity to Year 3 students to put their listening skills to the test.

There should be 3 students in each team.
We’re hoping to see 1 team per class but no more than two teams from one school.
The maximum number of participants is 60 students (20 teams of trhree).

You are kindly requested to
register no later than 18th of March
on HOL (Harjumaa Omavalitsuste Liit) website’s calendar.

Here are some of the topics the listening tasks will include:
animals, colours, family, numbers, countries, clothes, activities, etc.

What type of exercises to expect?
• Listen and fill in the gaps (a song/poem/chant).
• Listen and order the events of the story/dialogue.
• Which word was not spelled from your worksheet?
• Tick the correct answer.
• Listen and draw a story.
• Listen and match, etc.

10.15-10.30 Arrival and registration (do bring indoor shoes).
10.30-10.40 Opening words. The rules of the competition.
10.40-11.40 Let the quiz begin!
11.40-12.00 Break and snacks
12.00-12.15 Announcing the winners. Prizes and thank-you words

Link to poster: https://bit.ly/2HVtRpA
Link to Invitation: https://bit.ly/2Tj5uaK
Link to HOL website: https://bit.ly/2wRqGgJ

With any further questions, do not hesitate to contact our Listen up! team.
Main contact:
Meelika Mäeorg, meelika.maeorg@arukyla.edu.ee

Always happy to help!
Welcome to Aruküla Basic School
Korraldaja organisatsioon: Meelika Mäeorg,


Harjumaa Omavalitsuste Liit

Sirge tn 2, 10618 Tallinn
Tel: 615 0352
E-post: info@hol.ee
reg nr 80195199

vaata asukohakaarti siit
